Ask yourself a question, how many people do you want to have in your organization who will develop the MLM business as you do?
If you have the intention of developing a large and prosperous MLM network, the search for new prospects must be continuous and become your number one priority.
In the second place of your priorities list is to establish a foundation of helping and teaching the people you are sponsoring. This will give depth and security to your network.
You should never be selective in the presentation of the business, because no one is shouting that they do not like networking, much less if they still do not know it properly, that is, you should never decide for anyone, just as you would not like anyone to have decided for you whether or not to take advantage of this opportunity.
Your mission is to inform the greatest number of people, theirs to decide whether or not they are interested in partnering with you.
Talk to as many people as you can about the opportunity to join your network as a member and be adequately prepared to teach the business development plan to new partners.
Think that a good percentage of people have the aptitude to develop this type of business, others will not be receptive to starting it and others will leave with the same enthusiasm with which they started because they expected fast and effortless results or for any other insignificant reason of any kind that serves as an excuse.
People with skills are there, you just have to look for them, they are people with an innate personal motivation who are seduced by challenges and new opportunities, willing to seek success and associate with successful people like you.
Remember that success is an attitude of mind, never a goal. Decide from now on to be a successful person and portray that attitude around you.